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Friday, November 28, 2014
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
Bunyi Berderit saat Mesin Mobil di Starter (bukan dari Fan Belt)
Pernah mengalami kejadian mengesalkan saat mobil di starter terdengar bunyi derit, decit, nyericit di bagian ruang mesin dan bingung sumber masalahnya dari mana...? Jika ya, ada baiknya sekedar membaca artikel ini, lagi lagi artikel ini ditulis based on pengalaman sendiri ya.. Tempat, kejadian, nama tokoh mungkin terjadi kemiripan, namun bukan kesengajaan.. halah kyk FTV aja. Hahaha..
Langsung aja bro n sis, pengalaman ini terjadi sekitar 1 bulan yang lalu.. tiba tiba.. muncul sesosok bayangan hitam.. ups. salah. Tiba-tiba di suatu pagi pas mau manasin mobil, seketika setelah mesin di-starter terdengar bunyi lumayan kencang berderit dengan nada tinggi dengan durasi sekitar 1 - 3 detik. Pada saat itu, tersangka utama adalah fan belt yang mulai keras atau mungkin kotor (karena beberapa hari sebelumnya karena lengah memang sempat disemprot sama tukang cuci pas terakhir kali ke car wash. Mungkin ada kotoran yang masuk bersama air cucian ke permukaan fan belt.
Sempat penasaran juga apakah memang waktunya diganti atau belum ini fan belt. Tapi setelah cek ke service record ternyata baru diganti pada 2 periode service sebelumnya (+/- 20.000 km). Di toel toel dikit juga permukaannya masih bagus gak ada retakan. Berarti kemungkinan memang kotor aja.
Sempat dibiarin beberapa minggu karena belum ada waktu ngurusinnya. (Dan memang gejala ini selalu terjadi terutama saat mobil di-starter saat kondisi dingin) Akhirnya belilah Fan Belt dressing, yang semprot merk Prestone yg botol kuning, yang memang katanya banyak direkomendasikan. Harganya kalo ga salah sekitar 50 ribuan saru kaleng spray, agak lupa harganya berapa.
Disuatu pagi yang indah dan dingin pas manasin mobil dicobalah cairan penyemprot ini. Mobil dinyalain sampai stabil di stasioner. Disemprot pelan pelan merata sambil sembari fan belt terus berputar (Walau udah pelan-pelan tetep aja muncrat kemana-mana ini semprotan, harusnya pake pipa plastik yg kecil itu). Setelah dicoba dan dirasa cukup, mesin dimatikan dan memang waktu nyentuh fan belt terasa lebih lengket mencengkeram dan berwarna hitam segar bugar kembali seperti karet baru. Pas di-starter ulang memang bunyi sangat jauh berkurang...
Harapannya memang bener-bener selesai nih masalah... bukan karena mesin udah keburu gak dingin lagi alias udah anget. Tapi kuputuskan untuk PeDe, masalah udah tuntas...
Satu hari kemudian..
Pagi yang dingin kembali kusambut dengan penuh ceria menghirup kesegaran udara kota bandung.. Masuk mobil... colokin kunci starter .... putar ke kanan .... dan
""" CKEEKEESSS (suara starter) .... BRUUUMM ... CRICIIIIIIIT.... """
Ya elah bunyi lagi donk .. ?
Akhirnya nyerah deh bukan dari situ penyakitnya.. harus ketemu dokternya... BERES NISSAN. Ternyata kata montir ini penyakitnya bukan dari fan belt, tapi dari Dinamo Starter yang sudah tidak normal. Ada kemacetan dalam sistem mekanis di dalamnya. Saat starter ada komponen yang bergerak maju (nonjok) untuk memutar dan setelah mesin nyala seharusnya komponen ini langsung seketika kembali ke posisi asal. Karena macet, komponen ini telat balik dan terputar oleh tenaga mesin.. dan menimbulkan bunyi berderit kencang .. seperti genderang mau perang..
Oke deh Dok, benerin aja gimana caranya. Ternyata cuma di service aja, dibersihkan dan diolesi grease yang baru. Sembuh daah..
Demikian lah cerita pendek ini.. semoga menghibur dan bermanfaat
Save the earth for our inheritors: do not print unless necessary.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
QUICK SALE ! Super Luxurious Private Villa @ Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia
Sale Price : USD 2,750,000 reduced to USD1,650,000
Land value: USD 835,000
Building value after 3 years USD 815,000
(Reduced for quick sale without profit)

Title (Legal Documents)
Sertipikat Hak Milik (SHM) incl.
Izin Mendirikan Bangunan (IMB)
Part Furnished open to negotiation
Water Source
Electric Capacity
25000 Watt
Property View 1
Property View 2
Property View 3
Property Surrounding 1
Property Surrounding 2
Property Surrounding 3
Not Have
Building Year
Land Size
830 sqm
Build Size
800 sqm
Contact #1: Nicke Ayu Claracitra
Phone +62 821 2074 9843
Contact #2: Indra Permana
Phone +62 815 700 2051
Contact #1: Nicke Ayu Claracitra
Phone +62 821 2074 9843
Contact #2: Indra Permana
Phone +62 815 700 2051
Friday, November 22, 2013
Guide MarketGlory to get Euro (English Text)
Starting Market Glory
I think the start of Market Glory is not too intimidating or force player to spent money than my experience with other game. it's really fun play a game and having chatting with other while add real Euro or money here that i will explain to you how to do that. Anyways, here is guide how to start Market Glory on the right path.
Please Register first,
click here for register

After you register, what you must do now is :
1) Work Consistently
In here, you can work 1x every 24 hours, but make sure you start at a time that you are usually on the computer because, from my experienced, Market Glory have superworker bonus, which requires 7 STRAIGHT days of work. In other words, Market Glory have a server reset on 00:00 server time (u can work once every 24 hour) that allows for higher up the referral bonuses, arena bonuses, resetting the fighting cap (more on that below), etc., so if you work for 6 days straight, but forget to work on the 7th day (or any other day, day 1 until day 6), you lost your chance to get bonus money from system.
Therefore, I would recommend starting work as soon as possible after the server reset (if it works with your schedule) because then you have more "wiggle space" in case stuff comes up and requires you to postpone working at your usual time (i.e. if you usually work 1 hour after server reset, you have a full 23 hours to work and still get your bonus, but if you usually work 1 hour before reset, you only have 1 hour before your chance of getting the worker bonus goes down the drain) and can stay on the right road to getting money.
2) Fight x 10
Market Glory only allows 10 fights per (server) day now - (what a crab..), those were the days when you could farm, farm, and farm fights all day long lol - that takes about 10 minutes per fight. You can get free refferal if you wait doing fight on 01.05 (server time) If you win the fight (i always win cause they have no weapon or armor yet) the person becomes your referral and pays you a percentage of his/her profits (if they're active), which you should know by now means you get more money. In addition to your fight bonus, if your "referral" was active that day, you will get a government bonus for every active referral you have; therefore, fighting can be pretty profitable if done right. Right now though, you just have to keep fighting with those who have 1 energy and you will be making what you can out of it.

How to increase my pay after finishing fight ?
to increase your pay, before doing fight buy some newspaper ( try looking the cheapest one ) and buy 10 times that will increase ur energy. you can only Buy 10 Newspaper / day the other will be useless.

well that mean, higher your energy than higher your profit too.there are many ways to increase your energy beside buying newspaper, that eating or consumption milk and coffee that can't be doing by newbie cause you need to buy or produce first, so for now the only way is buying newspaper, few days later after you have enough money to buy 10 news paper, then try looking for food or milk at market then do fight fight fight 10x =D....
Be careful...
"Fight", country will only paid you if the country have enough cash. so watch out for your country money before doing "Fight".
3) Arena
you need to have 1 weapon and 1 defence to do arena. you can buy it on local market or global market, since need much money to produce one
Fight in Arena u can earn bonus daily based ur Rank

4) War Defend Your country
You can Fight and Defend Your country or attack another country and ripp other country warfund this lot make money

No Work Timer! :D
Now, having said all of that, fortunately , you can actually work while you fight, and there is no timer when you work, .... you can higher your energy and doing Fight and Work together in one Time ~ YaY ... Money Come to MaMa :D
Top countries
Before u register please choose top countries if not u are alone in that country u can use proxy to register
Romania Romania Citizens: 6214 Residents: 6213
Indonesia Indonesia Citizens: 1187 Residents: 1187
United states United states Citizens: 869 Residents: 869
Italy Italy Citizens: 750 Residents: 749
Philippines Philippines Citizens: 394 Residents: 394
Slovenia Slovenia Citizens: 355 Residents: 354
United kingdom United kingdom Citizens: 348 Residents: 348
Spain Spain Citizens: 347 Residents: 347
Poland Poland Citizens: 328 Residents: 327
Serbia Serbia Citizens: 293 Residents: 293
Portugal Portugal Citizens: 292 Residents: 292
Bulgaria Bulgaria Citizens: 290 Residents: 290
Germany Germany Citizens: 288 Residents: 289
India India Citizens: 273 Residents: 274
Croatia Croatia Citizens: 247 Residents: 247
Save the earth for our inheritors: do not print unless necessary.
I think the start of Market Glory is not too intimidating or force player to spent money than my experience with other game. it's really fun play a game and having chatting with other while add real Euro or money here that i will explain to you how to do that. Anyways, here is guide how to start Market Glory on the right path.
Please Register first,
click here for register

After you register, what you must do now is :
1) Work Consistently
In here, you can work 1x every 24 hours, but make sure you start at a time that you are usually on the computer because, from my experienced, Market Glory have superworker bonus, which requires 7 STRAIGHT days of work. In other words, Market Glory have a server reset on 00:00 server time (u can work once every 24 hour) that allows for higher up the referral bonuses, arena bonuses, resetting the fighting cap (more on that below), etc., so if you work for 6 days straight, but forget to work on the 7th day (or any other day, day 1 until day 6), you lost your chance to get bonus money from system.
Therefore, I would recommend starting work as soon as possible after the server reset (if it works with your schedule) because then you have more "wiggle space" in case stuff comes up and requires you to postpone working at your usual time (i.e. if you usually work 1 hour after server reset, you have a full 23 hours to work and still get your bonus, but if you usually work 1 hour before reset, you only have 1 hour before your chance of getting the worker bonus goes down the drain) and can stay on the right road to getting money.
2) Fight x 10
Market Glory only allows 10 fights per (server) day now - (what a crab..), those were the days when you could farm, farm, and farm fights all day long lol - that takes about 10 minutes per fight. You can get free refferal if you wait doing fight on 01.05 (server time) If you win the fight (i always win cause they have no weapon or armor yet) the person becomes your referral and pays you a percentage of his/her profits (if they're active), which you should know by now means you get more money. In addition to your fight bonus, if your "referral" was active that day, you will get a government bonus for every active referral you have; therefore, fighting can be pretty profitable if done right. Right now though, you just have to keep fighting with those who have 1 energy and you will be making what you can out of it.
How to increase my pay after finishing fight ?
to increase your pay, before doing fight buy some newspaper ( try looking the cheapest one ) and buy 10 times that will increase ur energy. you can only Buy 10 Newspaper / day the other will be useless.
well that mean, higher your energy than higher your profit too.there are many ways to increase your energy beside buying newspaper, that eating or consumption milk and coffee that can't be doing by newbie cause you need to buy or produce first, so for now the only way is buying newspaper, few days later after you have enough money to buy 10 news paper, then try looking for food or milk at market then do fight fight fight 10x =D....
Be careful...
"Fight", country will only paid you if the country have enough cash. so watch out for your country money before doing "Fight".
3) Arena
you need to have 1 weapon and 1 defence to do arena. you can buy it on local market or global market, since need much money to produce one
Fight in Arena u can earn bonus daily based ur Rank

4) War Defend Your country
You can Fight and Defend Your country or attack another country and ripp other country warfund this lot make money

No Work Timer! :D
Now, having said all of that, fortunately , you can actually work while you fight, and there is no timer when you work, .... you can higher your energy and doing Fight and Work together in one Time ~ YaY ... Money Come to MaMa :D
Top countries
Before u register please choose top countries if not u are alone in that country u can use proxy to register
Romania Romania Citizens: 6214 Residents: 6213
Indonesia Indonesia Citizens: 1187 Residents: 1187
United states United states Citizens: 869 Residents: 869
Italy Italy Citizens: 750 Residents: 749
Philippines Philippines Citizens: 394 Residents: 394
Slovenia Slovenia Citizens: 355 Residents: 354
United kingdom United kingdom Citizens: 348 Residents: 348
Spain Spain Citizens: 347 Residents: 347
Poland Poland Citizens: 328 Residents: 327
Serbia Serbia Citizens: 293 Residents: 293
Portugal Portugal Citizens: 292 Residents: 292
Bulgaria Bulgaria Citizens: 290 Residents: 290
Germany Germany Citizens: 288 Residents: 289
India India Citizens: 273 Residents: 274
Croatia Croatia Citizens: 247 Residents: 247
Save the earth for our inheritors: do not print unless necessary.